The New York State Assembly is complicating the process of reaching any potential agreement on what has been proposed in the state’s budget. Specific vapor product stipulations ranging from raising the consumer age to 21, an unnecessary tax hike and believe it or not, fines and fees for any individual who may have over 100ml  of eliquid in their possession. Sources from New York claim that the State Senate has been repeatedly unsatisfied with the rewording of the budget, interpreting the political strategy as deceptive.

With so much happening with the 2017-2018 NY State Executive Budget, so much has been happening, so fast, it is very difficult to make heads or tails of what exactly is involved in the budget. However, with many delays of passing the budget and the threat of a Government shutdown, something the state has never faced before history, it appears, the Governor’s initial threat of holding all Government paychecks was merely empty – tough talk with no follow-through as the NY State Governor has passed an extender to the deadline of the bill.

The most recent statement from Governor Cuomo, states:

“The passage of today’s budget extender continues all state operations and fully funds our $16.4 billion new New York construction and economic development plan for the next complete fiscal year.

“From the Buffalo Billion to Whiteface Mountain to Penn Station to the LIRR, our development moves forward. But make no mistake: we are far from done. We must finish the job and pass a responsible budget that makes college tuition free for the middle class, fully funds our public schools, cuts taxes for the middle class, Raises the Age of criminal responsibility, combats homelessness, and moves New York forward. We will work until we accomplish it all.”

What this means for Vapor Industry in NY State

At this moment, no one seems to exactly know if  they were able to entirely remove the vape language from the budget or if some members of the state Assembly squeezed it in the cracks where many could not immediately identify.

One thing is certain, this anti-vapor bill was proposed by Governor Cuomo’s Office, so this was his idea or at least some staff member in the Governor’s Office concocted the absurdity of it. Although $16.4 billion of his colossal $152.3 billion state budget plan was agreed upon, reports have remained slightly vague about what is included in the details of this 16 and a half million dollar approval in Cuomo’s budget extender.

Regardless, as most vape advocates seem to agree, this battle is far from over. Vape advocacy in NY must now become stronger and united than it ever has before. Vapers of New York must understand that even if there is no anti-Vaping language included in the approved $16.4 billion extender plan, they should expect to possibly see more and more threats from now and until the next deadline on May 31st.

Nevertheless, the vape industry should be on high alert within NY as his previous statements are quite contradicting to his actions. Any unstable leader is sure to cater towards an unbalanced budget, meaning some particular groups will surely be tossed into a category of those who will be hit hardest, lose the most and be labeled as the losers in the final budget consensus – the most disadvantaged. Vapers must try their best to avoid becoming included in such a situation. Survival and preservation is key.

Previously Released Statements by NY Governor

New York State Governor Cuomo released a few statements since this Friday, in which Friday was the official deadline for the state of New York to pass the budget. Given the language used in the budget based on all the vapor product restrictions, it’s quite fascinating to learn the Governor is so concerned with attacks on individual rights – what a coincidence!

Vapor Product Consumers are extremely concerned about the same exact concept. Not to mention, he highlights  how the budget is more of “a statement of values, a guarantee of personal protection and a safeguard of financial security.”

Coincidental once again, this would be nearly identical to the feelings and emotions largely felt by many of the small business owners within the state’s vapor industry – as they are being targeting by this . Governor Cuomo is using the Trump approach by inciting fear

“These are difficult and unusual times for our State and Country.  An ultraconservative Congress poses an unsettling attack on individuals’ rights and American values.  It is also clear that New York State is a target for hostile federal actions ranging from severe financial cutbacks to deprivation of legal and personal rights. The federal government is attacking our health care system, abandoning our urban areas, cutting necessary assistance to the poor and targeting our new immigrants. In this environment our state budget takes on much greater significance. Indeed, it is not merely a budget at all: It is a statement of values, a guarantee of personal protection and a safeguard of financial security.”

Some NY State Assembly Members Blame the Governor for delay

One Assemblyman in particular – Steve McLaughlin (R-Rensselaer) accused the NY state Governor Cuomo of playing politics, diverting attention from his own unsuccessful attempt of passing a budget on-time by blaming the Federal Government.

Some other members of the state Assembly seem to have brought up the fact that Governor Cuomo is planning to run for P.O.T.U.S. in the 2020 Election. Thus, some others in the state legislature claimed Cuomo will never take blame for anything, but will always be quick to place the blame on anything he can think of – essentially “playing politics” during his entire time as Governor of New York.

Imagine that. How ironic. A politician playing politics? That  type of behavior is quite out of the ordinary for U.S. public servants elected by the American people. . Clearly, this is a sarcastic interpretation.

Regardless, whether The states assembly do not come to a consensus quick enough or if it is truly the federal government’s fault for causing these broader issues, it’s all relative. When will U.S. politicians realize they are merely all reflections of themselves. It has been said on many occasions by many American satirists and comics, that “Politics is simply Hollywood for ugly people.”

microcosm dichotomy the living embodiment of the definitions that connect to a wide range of academic-psychology-based terms coined by psychologists.

“The guy will take credit for the opening of an envelope and takes responsibility for nothing,” McLaughlin said. “He ran his mouth for months about the dysfunction in Washington and he couldn’t get a budget done,” was a statement made by Republican Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin.

Vaping Could be One of the Underlying Reasons for the Countless Delays in New York’s Budget Approval

Is vaping causing some of the dissatisfaction in the state government in New York? There are plenty more issues politicized within the budget so perhaps vapor is not the only culprit for causing such a divided state legislature. Then again, we have seen far too many ambitious politicians filled with greed, thinking they will cash-in by outrageously taxing the vape industry or perhaps simply looking to vastly diminish business for the independent sector. Either way, whatever their reasons may be for proposing and imposing harm on an industry based on harm reduction, it has become quite clear that Big Business & Big Government are terrified of the financial losses that Vapor Products could essentially create for these cronies.

Image credit : CC-BY-SA-3.0/Matt H. Wade at Wikipedia

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