Strengthen the quality and product safety

The first two code names to remember are XP D90-300-1 and XP D90-300-2. The first standard addresses equipment and more specifically overheating atomizers, while the second defines a list of “products allowed or prohibited, as well as requirements about its container” says AFNOR.
These standards are part of a logic of transposition of the European Directive that the French government is currently doing. Professionals try to anticipate the requirements set by the European Union regarding the quality and safety of vaping products.
Initiated by the National Consumer Institute (INC) and under the AFNOR’s aegis for coordinating the work, the professor Bertrand Dautzenberg chaired this standardization committee. The pulmonologist congratulates all the stakeholders who have achieved, within ten months, obtaining and writing a “consensus”.
E-cigarette: A beacon of hope for Public Health that Governments don’t perceive
Bertrand Dautzenberg seems to be satisfied with these first standards and says in a press release that they “will lead to see the disappearance of poorly manufactured products and reduce inappropriate use” before adding that “they will be able to facilitate the use of these products for the massive outflow of smoking”, leading cause of premature death worldwide. A shocking statement to which French MPs are still not sensible.