This company has recently analyzed the global e-cigarette market and predicts a significant growth in this sector by 2025.
According to its latest report in 2015, the agency predicts an increase of 22.36% over the next ten years, and an expected growth over $ 50 billion in 2025, equivalent to about 10% of the actual tobacco market.
Bis Research confirms the dominance of the US on the market and points out that the competition has increased last year, with the launch of innovative devices and distribution of better quality products. The APAC (Asia-Pacific) region exhibits the greatest growth potential. There is a very large number of smokers who have not yet replaced the tobacco cigarettes to the electronic one. Among Asia, China is expected to grow at the fastest rate since its export market represents 80% of the sales of electronic cigarettes to Europe and the USA.
The perceived benefits to health, product customization possibilities, established brands are among the factors that can contribute to its success, according Bis Research.
The report also discusses the barriers to the development of vaporizers as the policy framework and accidents like poisonning. In France, the consultant Xerfi predicts a slowdown in the short-term market.