Same place, same stage, same general concept, only the market has changed since last year that brings up many new fabricants wanting to conquer the world of vape. The number of exhibitors who had risen to number of 120 in the past edition reached 210 this year. An impressive increase that indicates the exhibition has developed an undeniable international reputation (visitors from 62 different countries) and that the e-cigarette industry is definitely booming, no offense to some French analysts.
Evaluated to several billion dollars worldwide, the electronic cigarette is susceptible, according to several economic studies, to seriously challenge the maket of tobacco in the coming years. It is also not unusual to see in the aisles, employees of tobacco brands discreetly observing this strange world made of technology and somewhat underground.
But if the economic impulsion is present, a market saturation seems nevertheless to be felt, at least in France. And rumors of takeovers spread in the corridors which combines comments on neighbor’s turnovers and strategic business reconciliations. Two million French vapers represent an attractive market for foreign companies and the pressure put by foreign companies does not seem to be ignored by our local ones that are full of ideas to ensure their position.
Among the technical innovations we notes that Gaïatrend (Alfaliquid) announces a Végétol e-liquid (without PG nor VG) and VDLV (Vincent-dans-les-vapes) launches a 100% French nicotine, a national first that will soon be commented by our team.
The star of the show? It is tricky to decide which professional is riding higher than another. If a parallel could be drawn between the size of the stand and the likely health of assets, this may not be the biggest that attracts most. Evidenced by the popularity at the small booth where Fiber Freaks was giving workshop to teach public how to make or remake a coil. And if most of the stalls were dedicated to e-liquids, modders were not absent so far.
Youtube conferences
“Learn about the electronic cigarette” one could read this week in Paris Metro before the start of the show. The follower knows Vapexpo is also an opportunity to learn and many conferences have been held this year.
For those who wish to watch the last records, the Youtube channel of the event proposes an interesting retrospective of all conferences held so far.