What kills is tobacco, not the electronic cigarette
After the large media coverage for the Harvard study revealing the presence of Diacetyl in some e-liquids, the President of the AFNOR standardization committee on e-cigarettes and e-liquids, Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg, recalled the French standard already excludes the use of Diacetyl during his interview on Europe 1.
Indeed, the standard XP D90-300-2 establishes quality criteria for e-liquids. It sets the compositional requirements with a list of ingredients to banish and maximum thresholds for other adverse susbstances, including Diacetyl. It also sets some specific requirements for the container.
The manufacturers are phasing the standard in and “most French manufacturers have already brought e-liquids up to standard.” reveals Bertrand Dautzenberg on Europe 1.
“What kills it is tobacco, not the electronic cigarette“, wished to recall the pneumologist, before inviting all smokers frightened by Diacetyl to “throw away their cigarettes” and choose a product 1 000 to 10 000 times less dangerous like the French e-liquids.