A respite for specialty shops
The Canadian province of Ontario confirmed,under the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, a ban on selling electronic cigarettes to the under-19s on January 1, 2016, an increase of the maximum fines for youth-related sales offences and a ban of certain flavoured tobacco products. However, the government decided to delay its plans to ban vaping in public spaces.
Ontario’s Associate Health Minister, Dipika Damerla, delivered the information during an interview with CBC News on December 16, 2015. The province was about to prohibit the use of vaporizers in public spaces, workplaces and even in the e-cigarette specialty shops.
The aforementioned delay may be related to the fact that Ontario recently reconsidered move to allow medical marijuana users to use vaporizers or smoke anywhere. Dipika Damerla said the government also committed to reviewing regulations around where medical marijuana can and cannot be vaped, and she hopes the regulation to come into force in shortly.
Will Ontario follow the path of Quebec in 2015? The eastern Canadian Province adopted in November a law to strengthen the fight against smoking. The electronic cigarette is now classified as a tobacco product and therefore is subject to the same rules. There, vaping is already prohibited in specialty shops.