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Yearly Archives: 2015

Scotland: A “school of vape” to discover e-cigarette

A meeting between the vape beginners experienced vapers and sellers Colin Robertson, a vaper for over a year and a half, held an event dedicated...

Great Britain: 1.1 million vapers are former smokers

The proportion of ex-smokers keeps increasing among British vapers The British Association of fight against smoking ASH has been conducting an annual surveys since 2010...

A fruitfull business besides the EU TPD

New constraints, lucrative potential The company Nerudia, whose headquarters are in Liverpool, focuses its services on the development, production, analysis and regulatory compliance of nicotine...

AFNOR standards: “To facilitate the use of these products for the massive outflow of...

Strengthen the quality and product safety The first two code names to remember are XP D90-300-1 and XP D90-300-2. The first standard addresses equipment and more specifically...

A preview of the future regulation of e-cigarettes in the US

Eric Lindblom, the advisor of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a report entitled the "Effectively Regulating E-Cigarettes and Their Advertising—and the First Amendment"....

Denmark: The implementation of the European TPD is worrisome for the e-cigarette market

As part of the implementation of the EU TPD, Denmark initiated a digital public consultation to draw up its bill. The Danish Government intends to collect opinions until March...