The American VMR perfectly illustrates this trend with its new VertX e-cigarette marketed by V2. For the first time, an e-cigarette with a touchscreen will be available on the large scale even if smaller businesses, like Laisimo and Sigelei, had already produced comparable devices.
On the VertX, a light touch is all that is necessary to turn on the screen and set, for example, voltage, temperature or brightness. It will soon be released in the USA through the online platform V2 and a few models will be shown to the public in various points of sale. The product should be available in the UK from the academic year 2016 onwards.
Innovations will be burgeoning in the coming months but US vapers will no longer be allowed to get them, they shall only get upgrades of existing products. In the USA, the market has been frozen since August 8, when the FDA’s deeming regulation came into force.