Some advocates for vaping have been discussing the possibility of how a peaceful demonstration would allow vaper’s voices to be heard. That is the idea Marcy Coyne is trying to develop through this particular event in which the Vaping Post has chosen to cover today. To gather more details, we spoke over the phone with Marcy Coyne, a vaping advocate in Toledo, Ohio who is essentially organizing the event.
A Peaceful Rally to get the Public’s Attention
The event consist of gathering on a particular date the most vapers as possible to bring strong messages to the authorities and consolidate links between people who have switched towards tobacco harm reduction and feel concerned by the threats vaping is facing today.

When Marcy Coyne first started pursuing this endeavor, the message she received in return from the vaping community was mixed. It was about 50/50 for those who are in favor of this event and those who oppose it. One might initially assume that all advocates for vaping would be eagerly awaiting such an opportunity to participate in an event like this. Even though some are in full support of Marcy’s plans to peacefully demonstrate, the vaping community seems torn.
From the Food and Drug Administration’s strict rules on vapor products, one might also assume that vapers would eagerly be gathering to demonstrate peacefully in the U.S. Capitol every single day since the severe federal rules were first announced.
Good Behaviour Required
Marcy explains, “We’re making sure everyone knows to be on their best behavior – we will not tolerate immaturity or disrespectful attitudes at this demonstration. This is why it is the “NationWide PEACEFUL Vapers Rally.”
This veteran vape advocate recalls that vapers have repeatedly ask her to protest and to form a demonstration of some sorts. “We’ve been waiting for some type of advocacy group to organize something similar to this, but it has been months now and we’re tired of waiting” Marcy tells us.
Currently, the main goal for the “NationWide Peaceful Vapers Rally” is to simply allow the voices of the vaping community to be heard. Marcy says this “in hopes of the FDA lessening the severity of the regulations.” For people who are unable to make it to D.C. on October 19th, Coyne suggest they could try try making it to their state’s capital city and ultimately demonstrate there instead.
The long-time vape advocate states, “Either way, I won’t back down from opposing these regulations. If the vaping community actually came together on October 19th, it would send a harmonious message.”
Call for Contributions
The donations that Marcy is trying to collect for this event are going towards travel arrangements for those wanting to partake in the demonstration. They will be getting permits for this event to avoid any legal issues. During our conversation Ms. Coyne revealed some of her anxious feelings by commenting on how she truly hopes the local media does not misconstrue their purpose, message or intentions – which may explain why some other advocates may not agree with organizing this kind of event during October.
Even though, Marcy seems confident and experienced she does not really know what to expect due to the vape community’s mixed response but she refuses to back down and believes in moving forward.
Details about the event
This event is planned for October 19th from 9am-5pm and all who attend will be gathering at the U.S. Court of Appeals (333 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington D.C. 20001).
There is no set-in-stone funding currently in place but any contributions are accepted. A fundraising campaign has been set up for those who want to contribute:
To learn more about the Nationwide Peaceful Vapers Rally check out the Facebook Group Page: