When Vapex was fined back in 2014, the penalties had gone up to 822,000$ in fines. However the vaping company had agreed to pay a smaller fine of 16,450$, reimburse 93,397$ to its customers. On top of this the company had agreed to comply and stop marketing its products.
However recently the vaping company changed its name from Vapex to O2PUR and started marketing in the same way again. The ads were once again brought to the attention of the Division of Consumer Protection by a Connecticut-based organization called Truth in Advertising. Executive Director Laura Smith said that alarm bells went off when the group heard the new adverts on the radio and thought they sound alarmingly similar to the ones Vapex had used before.
What are the charges faced?
In light of all the above, not only is the Division fining the company 92,500$ but is also seeking of reapplying the original fines against the company’s director, Scott Barth, which could in total amount to over 900,000$.