The Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs Union of the EU Commission is launching a public consultation on “the structure and rates of excise duty applied to manufactured tobacco”. This consultation is intended to gather the views of EU citizens and stakeholders on a set of possible options for the revision of Directive 2011/64/EU.

Up to now and even if considered as a tobacco product since last May, the e-cigarette has escaped from excise duty at the European level although some Member States have taxed it already. A meeting of the European Ministers of Finances shacked the system last March and mandated a report to the Commission.

The directive 2011/64/UE defines and clusters the different types of manufactured tobacco products. For each one, it sets a specific minimal tax and is revised every 4 years. It is in this context that the consultation has been launched.

Anyone interested in this question is free to participate, the questionnaire is available online until February 16, 2017.



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