Victory in Indiana for the Right to be Smoke-Free Coalition trade group representing out-of-state e-cigarette manufacturers against the state’s Vapor Pens and E-Liquid Act.

The 2015 Indiana law governing the manufacture and sale of vaping products including e-liquids has been challenged before the 7th US Circuit Court of Appeals on Monday. A Reuters communicate informs that Circuit Judge David Hamilton ruled in favor of vaping sector and declared some of the provisions like the obligation of a contract with a security firm couldn’t be enforced.

This decision overturns the June 2016 ruling by U.S. District Judge Sarah Evans Barker in Indianapolis.

The state’s Vapor Pens and E-Liquid Act has an “extraterritorial reach that is unprecedented,” violating the “dormant” Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution.Circuit Judge David Hamilton

More readings about the legal battle in Indiana:

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