The Merlin Mini is a reconstructible 1 mm larger than the classical version. But with a diameter of 24 mm, it is overstepping the edges of most boxes powered with a 18650 battery. Very compact, it only has 42.3 mm high but its capacity os reduced to 2 ml.

The adjustable liquid supply requires dexterity

The Merlin Mini is a top-filling RTA and this operation can easily be done by unscrewing the top cap and by inserting the pipette in one of the two large openings on each side of the chimney.

To adjust the juice control, you need to rotate the tank but take care to prevent the airflow ring from rotating at the same time. The same applies when adjusting the airflow to prevent the tank from rotating otherwise you might be short in e-liquid and undergo dry hits, sometimes.

Technical review

The main features of Augvape’s Merlin Mini RTA:

  • Length: 42.3 mm
  • Diameter: 24 mm
  • Tank capacity: 2 ml
  • Connectivity: 510
  • Materials: Stainless steel and Pyrex (Tank)
  • Bottom airflow, adjustable
  • Top-filling
  • PEEK insulator on the 510 pin plated in gold

The packaging includes:

  • 1x Merlin Mini RTA
  • 1x single coil deck
  • 1x dual coil deck
  • 1x spare Pyrex tank
  • 1x maintenance kit
  • Two airflow reducers

Numerous parts to optimize your vaping experience

What makes the interestingness of the Merlin Mini is the availability of many parts that allow a fine tune of the airflow as a function of one’s vaping. It comes with two velocity-type mounting decks. One is a single coil with two one-entry posts, the other one is a dual coil with two two-entry posts. Merlin Mini also comes with two airflow reducers, 1.5 mm and 2 mm, that must be screwed under the resistance coil to considerably dampen the airflow. This gives access to mouth-to-lung vaping with a better rendering of flavors.

Merlin Mini is really comfortable between 10 W and 65 W and provides a very satisfying vaping quality. The rendering of flavors makes it one of the best RTA on the market. With the narrowest air reducer screwed under the airflow, MTL vaping is possible. With the second one, the the vaping style is till very tight but offers a larger volume of vapor for MTL vaping and DL inhalation.

DL or MTL, vaping is always of good quality

Without the reducer, vaping is aerial, even very aerial and it allows increasing the power. With the airflow wide open, there’s almost no restriction to the air. Without reducer, the Merlin Mini presents a small inconvenient, it whistles when the airflows are closed to form a circle.

Mounted in dual coil with the Velocity-type deck, the volume of vapor is increased to very dense but no dry hit occurred. The rendering of flavors is not enhanced but the whistling disappears when the airflows are closed to form a circle. In turn, as more power is needed, e-liquid consumption is also increasing and the 2 ml tank drains quickly.

In summary

The “+”:

  • Smooth vaping
  • Good rendering of flavors
  • Very polyvalent
  • Good finish
  • Easy to mount
  • Two mounting decks (simple or dual)
  • Top-filling
  • No leakage
  • Many spare parts including airflow reducers
  • Drip-tip very pleasant to use

The “-“:

  • 24 mm in diameter
  • Only 2 ml of tank capacity
  • No user manual
  • E-liquid supply system not well designed


Rating of 4.6/5. Augvape’s Merlin Mini RTA is a very polyvalent atomizer that allows tight to very tight vaping with the 1.5 mm reducer with a very good quality and, most of the time, quietly. Easy to mount, well finished, the rendering of flavors is excellent. Its biggest inconvenient, except the 24 mm in diameter, comes from the juice control that can be changed inadvertently while adjusting the airflow. An excellent purchase for a tight price.

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Julien Sellier
Journalist covering international vaping news.
merlin-mini-rta-augvapeAugvape's Merlin Mini RTA is a very polyvalent atomizer that allows tight to very tight vaping with the 1.5 mm reducer with a very good quality and, most of the time, quietly. Easy to mount, well finished, the rendering of flavors is excellent. Its biggest inconvenient, except the 24 mm in diameter, comes from the juice control that can be changed inadvertently while adjusting the airflow. An excellent purchase for a tight price.
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7 years ago

It took me a good six months to figure out how to wick this but once I did all I could say was wow wow wow amazing !!