The conference will provide an opportunity for all stakeholders to discuss what the future holds for vaping products, and also look into the broader issues raised by smokeless nicotine. The panel of speakers which includes renowned personalities such as Attorney General Tom Miller, and Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos is made of experts, some of which holding opposing perspectives hence ensuring a balanced and objective debate.
This event would be of particular interest to :
- Regulators and policy advisors
- Health providers and public health advocates
- National, state and local legislators and their staffs
- Public health professionals
- Scientific/research community
- Medical and health professionals
- Vaping industry stakeholders
Is harm reduction always the answer?
Associate dean of academic affairs at the Texas A&M School of Public Health, Amy Fairchild wrote about the Summit on STAT, a news site dedicated to publishing articles about health, medicine, and scientific discovery.
“Two core questions will be central to the ongoing debate: Does harm reduction represent an appropriate strategy for confronting the threat posed by tobacco? If so, what evidence would justify such an approach?” said Fairchild. She added that even though in her opinion harm reduction does not always resolve problems, it lessens the risks from any given harmful behaviour, and it is “not necessarily inconsistent with the goal of total cessation or abstinence.”
To understand differing views
The organizers of the E-cigarette Summit, are counting on presenting the conference in the same disciplined, careful, and balanced manner that it has been renowned for in London, in the hope of “better understanding differing views and the foundations underpinning those perspectives.”