The documentary which features independent industry and public health professionals was made by ITN Productions, and highlights the benefits to individual smokers when they switch to the safer alternatives and also the benefits to the local economy and public health in general.

Additionally, the film looks into why out of the nine million smokers across the UK, there isn’t a larger number switching to vaping and explores what the Government and other experts could possibly do in order to change this.

“Advertising restrictions that prevent the industry responsibly advertising their products and adequately informing vapers and smokers about the limited harm associated with vaping need to be removed.”IBVTA

Urging the Government to quote studies in favour of vaping

The documentary refers to the research which indicates that vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking. Subsequently it urges the Government to quote these figures in order to instill confidence in the public, in order to assure smokers that switching to the products would be a step in the right direction.

In an article on their website, the IBVTA highlighted the fact that the UK has been a leader recognising the products’ potential for harm reduction. “It is important to acknowledge, that compared to many countries we are very fortunate with the approach the UK Government has taken towards vaping”, said the association, whilst adding some recommendations.

“At the earliest opportunity, the existing regulations need to be replaced with a proportionate, risk-based, and vape specific regulatory regime.”IBVTA

“ However, if vaping is to achieve its full potential then the Government needs to go further :

  • Advertising restrictions that prevent the industry responsibly advertising their products and adequately informing vapers and smokers about the limited harm associated with vaping need to be removed.
  • The existing Tobacco and Related Product Regulations need to be enforced at a national and local level.
  • At the earliest opportunity, the existing regulations need to be replaced with a proportionate, risk-based, and vape specific regulatory regime.
  • Government ministers and others in public health need to speak out more to challenge the misperceptions that exist amongst growing numbers of the public and smokers about the harm associated with vaping.”

Read Further : IBVTA