The ban was proposed by former state Senator Lisa Carlton, who is herself a member of the Commission. She said that the public is being negatively affected by vaping as the smoking ban in place was passed by voters in Florida in 2002, long before e-cigarettes emerged on the scene.

Despite evidence to the contrary, Carlton said that exposure to secondhand vapour leads to the inhalation of harmful toxins, and hence wants to extend the current smoking ban to include cigarettes. “Vaping, as it’s generally called, is everywhere,” she said, “Daily across the state of Florida, Floridians are subjected to vaping. No one should be forced to endure a cloud of harmful vapor in their cubicle as they work to support their families. No parent should have to worry about the health of their child because someone is vaping at the adjoining restaurant table, movie-theater seat, grocery store or next to them inside the mall.”

Suggestions to extend the ban to bars and hotels were refused

Results obtained from an air sample of a small non-ventilated vape shop, indicated that the amount of toxins present in secondhand vapour are of insignificant levels.
A spokesperson for the Florida Cancer Action Network Heather Yeomans, said that the organization is in favour of the proposal but suggests some amendments, such as extending the vaping ban to bars and hotels.“We weren’t thrilled to see that we still have the exemptions for bars and hotels,” she told the General Provisions Committee of the Constitution Revision Commission. “We would love for every environment and every employee to not be exposed to these chemicals” from regular tobacco smoke and electronic cigarettes.”


After the meeting, Carlton said that she does not intend to alter her proposal in accordance to the suggestions presented by the Cancer Action Network. However, an article on CBS Miami pointed out that it is unlikely that Carlton’s proposed constitutional amendment will go before voters in 2018 as it is.

Studies found no evidence of harmful toxins in secondhand vapour

Earlier this year the California Department of Public Health (CDPH), carried out air sampling in a number of vape shops throughout the state, as part of its initiative to determine the health effects of second-hand vapor exposure. The official study has not been published yet, but public health expert Dr. Michael Siegel had shared the results on his blog site. Results obtained from an air sample of a small non-ventilated vape shop, clearly indicated that the amount of toxic substances present in the air where a lot of vaping takes place, are of insignificant levels.

Read Further: CBS Miami

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