HR 1136 is a bi-partisan legislation, and a version of the bill introduced last year by Reps. Tom Cole of Oklahoma and Sanford Bishop of Georgia. This bill, often referred to as the Cole-Bishop Amendment, would set in place regulations that are more appropriate to e-cigarettes and most importantly would change the predicate date from February 2007 to August 8, 2016.
One of the founders of Hometown Hero, Lewis Hamer got in touch with us at The Vaping Post, urging us to remind our readers that the Cole-Bishop amendment is being voted on tonight, and that if enough vapers would get in touch with Senator Jeffrey Alan Merkley, we could “save vaping.”
Let your voice be heard today
Hamer released a video explaining the importance of speaking up in favour of this Amendment, and is even promising vapers free giveaways in exchange for taking action. Here at The Vaping Post we support the Cole-Bishop Amendment and are joining Lewis Hamer in asking fellow vapers and /or vaping advocates to take action whilst in time to do so.