A few weeks back, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), together with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) launched its advanced notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) in order to gather feedback on how to best regulate flavours.

“As the name suggests, an ANPRM seeks input from consumers, scientists, and industry that assists an agency in crafting a final rule. And much like draft guidance, an ANPRM often represents regulators’ current thinking on a particular topic.”CASAA

Echoing what Gottlieb said last December, the agency has said it aims to limit flavours’ appeal to adolescents, whilst considering the role that they are having in helping adult smokers take the leap from smoking to vaping.

“As the name suggests, an ANPRM seeks input from consumers, scientists, and industry that assists an agency in crafting a final rule. And much like draft guidance, an ANPRM often represents regulators’ current thinking on a particular topic,” explained CASAA.

Vapers urged to share their stories in relation to flavours

In an article on its website, CASAA said that it will be providing guidance to anyone wanting to comment on the ANPRM regarding flavors and help with other opportunities to engage with the FDA. The organization is urging vapers to share their personal stories about vaping, and mention which flavours helped them on their journey of staying smoke-free.

“Our initial advice to members is to share your personal story about vaping. Specifically, comments should include which flavors you use to stay smoke-free and how many different flavors you use in a given day. If you wish to comment now, the docket can be accessed by clicking here.”CASAA

“Our initial advice to members is to share your personal story about vaping. Specifically, comments should include which flavors you use to stay smoke-free and how many different flavors you use in a given day. If you wish to comment now, the docket can be accessed by clicking here,” said CASAA.

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