Up until now and much to the surprise of many non-Americans like myself, most pharmacies across the US, still sell tobacco products including cigarettes. Outside the US, it is mostly unheard of that the same store that would sell prescription medication would also be selling the deadly products.
Finally, Albany County has passed a legislation that will prohibit the sales of tobacco products in pharmacies, however, there is a catch. Sadly, e-cigarette sales which do not even contain any tobacco, and despite all the scientific data indicating that these products are the most effective smoking cessation tools to date, will also be banned.
The danger of regulating e-cigs in the same way as cigarettes
Public health experts, have long been pointing out that labelling e-cigarettes as tobacco products is misleading and will have a detrimental effect on public health. Additionally they have been urging authorities to implement regulations that are relative to risks.
When the Albany County law goes through the state channels, pharmacies will have up to three months to sell the products. Anyone caught selling any tobacco products after the stipulated time frame will be faced with a $500-a-day violation fine.
Read Further: Spectrum News