A series of recent UK media headlines warning vapers that they are likely to be arrested if they vape abroad, have sparked some panic amongst e-cigarette users. In response to this, a press release by ECigIntelligence, the renowned independent data analysis resource for the tobacco-alternatives industry, aims to reassure vapers that it is mostly safe to use e-cigarettes outside the UK.

“Britain’s three million e-cigarette users can safely vape while holidaying abroad this summer, despite alarmist reports that suggest they could end up in prison, a leading research organisation in the field has confirmed,” pointed out the press release.

Vaping is legal across all the EU

Experts at the analysis firm added that there is little basis to most of these media stories. For example reports that vaping is banned in countries such as Austria, Belgium and Denmark, are inaccurate, as vaping is legal all across the EU.

The analysis firm added that in some countries, such as Australia and Japan, despite not being able to purchase the devices locally, one is allowed to take their own device for personal use.

“In some cases the authors had simply got their facts wrong. In others, it seems they didn’t understand that, although some countries ban the sale of e-cigarettes with nicotine, it’s still fine to bring your own in as a visitor.”Tim Phillips, Managing Director, ECigIntelligence

“In some cases the authors had simply got their facts wrong,” said ECigIntelligence managing director Tim Phillips. “In others, it seems they didn’t understand that, although some countries ban the sale of e-cigarettes with nicotine, it’s still fine to bring your own in as a visitor.”

Travelers reminded to check their destination’s regulations

There are of course certain exceptions such as countries in the the Middle East, and Asia amongst which Thailand, where anyone caught vaping could face charges. Therefore, travellers are reminded to check their destination’s regulations before travelling, and respect any vaping rules when there.

“In a few countries there’s a chance you may encounter an over-zealous official,” said Phillips. “But there’s little chance of anything more harsh than a fine, and most places will only confiscate the offending items.”

“In essence, it’s a lot easier – and a lot safer – to vape abroad than has been made out. The idea of e-cigarette users landing in a foreign prison has a nice sensationalist ring to it but, in reality, a tourist is exceedingly unlikely to encounter any trouble with the law.”Tim Phillips, Managing Director, ECigIntelligence

“In essence, it’s a lot easier – and a lot safer – to vape abroad than has been made out,” said Phillips. “The idea of e-cigarette users landing in a foreign prison has a nice sensationalist ring to it but, in reality, a tourist is exceedingly unlikely to encounter any trouble with the law.”


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