In the coming weeks, the Ministry of Health is introducing the Smoke-free Environments (Vaping) Amendment Bill in Parliament. This measure is expected to set in place much needed standards for vaping products which are supported by the local vaping industry.

However some local entities have expressed concern about the possibility of vaping being taken up by minors. To this effect, the Ministry of Health released a notice to “reiterate its advice about vaping”.

“Children, young people and non-smokers should not vape (use e-cigarettes)

  • people who do not smoke should not vape
  • vaping products are not risk-free
  • the long-term health effects of vaping are unknown
  • vaping products contain nicotine which is highly addictive

Vaping products are intended for smokers only

  • vaping is not risk-free but it is less harmful than smoking
  • vaping products should only be used by smokers wanting to switch to less harmful products
  • vaping products expose users to fewer harmful chemicals than smoking cigarettes
  • ex-smokers should aim to stop vaping when they feel they will not relapse to smoking
  • buy vaping products from a reputable retailer and do not risk vaping home-made or illicit products
  • do not add any other substances to vaping liquid.”

Vaping is not harmless, but significantly safer than smoking

The ministry added that while no signs of lung disease have popped up in New Zealand, anyone who feels unwell after using a vaping product should seek medical advice and report to the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring (CARM). In line with a similar statement from Public Health England, the Ministry pointed out that whilst not totally harmless, vaping is significantly less harmful than smoking.

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