To this effect, as for tobacco products, the use of vaping products and electronic cigarettes will now only be allowed in areas of casinos and stand-alone bars where minors cannot enter, as well as retail tobacco stores and convention floors at tobacco-related trade shows.
E-vapour has minimal impact on air quality
Meanwhile, a 2018 peer-reviewed study, comparing e-liquid vapour to cigarette smoke, had indicated that exhaled e-liquid vapour product particles are actually liquid droplets that evaporate within seconds. In line with what previous air samples had suggested, this study had shown that vaping probably has a minimal impact on indoor air quality.
The study titled “Characterization of the Spatial and Temporal Dispersion Differences between Exhaled e-cigarette mist and Cigarette Smoke,” was published in the renowned journal Nicotine & Tobacco Research. For both e-cigarettes and regular cigarettes, the particle concentrations registered following each puff were in the same order of magnitude.
However, for vaping products the particle concentration returned to background values within a few seconds, whilst for cigarettes it increased with successive puffs, only returning to background levels after 30-45 minutes.
Read Further: U.S. News
Research Looking at the Effect of E-Cig Vapour on Indoor Air