FEELM produced an excellent eco-friendly product made up of a paper material, that is 76% more degradable than the plastic used in most devices.

Designing the product with a concern for the environment in mind, FEELM produced an excellent eco-friendly product made up of a paper material, that is 76% more degradable than the plastic used in most devices.

Additionally, it boasts a multi-layer paper rolling design which carries benefits in terms of hygiene, as the outermost layer of the mouthpiece can be torn off after each use to reveal a clean surface. Moreover, this peeling off design enables users to share the device with up to 15 users at a time, if they so wish.

About e-cig waste

Recent research has estimated that by 2021, there will be approximately 55 million adult vapers. If disposed of improperly, the large amount of devices that may be used, would create a massive recycling disaster.

“E-waste is a huge problem globally. Anytime we make something that is disposable, we’re essentially stealing from the future,” said Yogi Hale Hendlin from the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at the University of California, in 2018.

Hendlin had pointed out that each stage of the e-cigarette production could pose a potential environmental harm, from mining, manufacturing, using and disposing. Citing a 2017 CDC study, he had explained that in 2015 alone, over 58 million vaping products were sold in the U.S. at grocery and convenience stores alone. About 19 million of those products were designed for single use. To this effect, an environmentally-friendly product like FEELM’s Disposable Paper E-cigarette is greatly welcomed.


The brand provides an innovative and exceptional heating technology for closed pod systems used in a number of renowned brands such as NJOY, RELX, HEXA, Haka, VAPO, Alfapod and others. FEELM is an independent business division of Shenzhen SMOORE Technology Limited, a leading company in the vaping industry.

Meanwhile, the IF DESIGN AWARD won by FEELM’s product, is  awarded on a yearly basis to winners of a world-renowned design competition, which was first launched in 1953. Products entered in the competition are assessed on criteria such as packaging, architecture, service design, etc.


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