In the UK, health entities including Public Health England (PHE) and the NHS have openly endorsed the use of vaping products for smoking cessation and harm reduction purposes. In a 2018 press release, the PHE had released findings from an e-cigarette review, updating it’s 2015 vaping report, and confirming that vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking.

Additionally, the revised report had included data related to vaping rates amongst adults and adolescents, public attitudes towards e-cigarettes, the impact on smoking cessation attempts, the levels of risk of e-cigarettes and also a review on Heat not Burn (HnB) products. This report had once again confirmed the UK’s stance in favour of vaping and was commended by international public health experts.

Free vape juice

To this effect, T Juice wants to ensure that vapers who are over 70 have access to the products, by offering a complimentary delivery of their preferred e-liquids to their door. Anyone wishing to avail from this opportunity needs to fill out this application form and include proof of id. Following this, they will be sent their complementary T Juice e-liquid completely free of charge.

Free e-liquids for anyone aged 70 and above.

50% off to all NHS and other front line workers

Moreover, in a bid to show gratitude to the UK’s front line workers during the current crises, T Juice is offering all UK Blue Light card holders (which include NHS workers, Emergency Services and Armed Forces) 50% off their online orders.

The manufacturer wants this offer to reach as many hardworking UK front line staff as possible, and to avail from it they simply need to email a copy of their UK Blue Light card to T Juice’s customer service team at Following this they will then be sent a unique discount code for their perusal.

T Juice’s e-liquids are produced in London to an exceptionally high standard of Product Stewardship. For more details about the manufacturing process, interested parties are invited to check the manufacturer’s website.

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