Swissx announced a line of tobacco and e-cigarette replacements.

Swissx announced through a press release that the company launched a line of glass and ceramic pods and parts for vaping products that contain CBD and nicotine extracts.

These new products are meant to be safer than the plastic parts used by major e-cigarette makers and are comparably safer to other products.

“We believe in plant medicine at Swissx,” says Alki David, founder of Swissx Labs, in a press statement. “But we recognize tobacco is not going away anytime soon. So, we’ve created the healthiest, all-natural nicotine extracts from tobacco possible, and vastly improved the safety of the devices used to consume them.”

Swissx noted that the company’s full line is already available for purchase on its e-commerce outlets. The company is also making pods and parts that are compatible with the leading brands and devices, using the company’s patents, to help people transition to its healthier alternatives for sale.

Vaping Post reported that Swissx has sued electronic cigarette giant Juul Labs for alleged patent infringement. The company said at the time that it is now on the warpath, sending cease and desist letters to retailers who sell Juul products, warning that these companies could be caught up in ongoing litigation. Swissx noted that the lawsuit insinuates that Juul copied the technology invented by Robert Safari in 2012. Juul also acknowledged it was infringing on the patent information government filings in 2018.

“We don’t want innocent retailers to get swept up in this,” said Rudy Delarenta, a senior vice president of sales and marketing for Swissx Labs, in a press release that we reported on at the time. “That’s why we’re giving them 30 days notice to pull Juul’s infringing products. But if they refuse, we’ll do what we have to do.”

The cease and desist letters demand that convenience store chains in the United States remove the products unless they wish to be included as a defendant in the ongoing litigation against the alleged patent infringement.

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