The North African kingdom is actually renowned for being one of the world’s top producers, however the trade had so far been controlled by drug traffickers.
In Morocco, cannabis is mostly grown in the northern Rif mountains hough growing cannabis and although it is currently illegal, it has long been tolerated. The North African kingdom is actually renowned for being one of the world’s top producers, however the trade had so far been controlled by drug traffickers.

Meanwhile, the proposed measure would protect farmers from the latter, implore their income and give them a chance to gain from the booming legal international market for the substance. The draft outlines a strategy to monitor the production, transportation and sales, of cannabis for medicinal use, whilst forbidding recreational use.

Similar legislation passed in Lebanon

Last Summer, the Lebanese parliament similarly passed a legislation which will legalize cannabis cultivation for medical and industrial purposes. Lebanon will also set up a new legal industry producing cannabis pharmaceutical items, including wellness products, CBD oil and industrial products such as fibers for textiles.

The move has been recommended by economic advisers, long before the coronavirus pandemic dealt a devastating blow to the country’s struggling economy. Under the new law, the cultivation of cannabis by farmers will be regulated locally.

The plant will not be legalized for recreational use, and would also be farmed to be exported for medicinal and industrial purposes. Additionally, Lebanon aims to set up a new legal industry producing cannabis pharmaceutical items, including wellness products, CBD oil and industrial products such as fibers for textiles.

Up until now, the plant has long been widely and openly cultivated in certain parts of Lebanon, yet this was strictly illegal. In fact back in 2018, Raed Khoury, Lebanon’s former caretaker minister for economy and trade, said that the quality of Lebanese marijuana “is one of the best in the world”.

Read Further: Reuters

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