Northwest Territories (NWT) people are reportedly split on the local regulation of flavored vapor products.

YELLOWKNIFE — People in the Northwest Territories of Canada are reportedly split on the local regulation of flavored vapor products within the local community. A discussion paper from the Government of Northwest Territories stated that the tobacco control and public health authorities in the region are “likely appealing, and contributing to the increased use by children and youth.” Data from the territorial government’s Bureau of Statistics survey found that one-third of NWT residents aged 15 to 24 said they tried vaping at least once. The statistics show:

33% of NWT residents aged 15-24 years of age have tried vaping at least once.
50% of NWT residents that tried vaping did so because they were curious.
22% of NWT residents that tried vaping did so because they perceived vaping as
less harmful than smoking traditional cigarettes.
20% of NWT residents that tried vaping did so because they like the flavors. reports that the divide of a resident who is opposed to the development of new regulations is about 51 percent of more than 500 respondents representative of the population group in the territory. Currently, only people over the age of 19 can buy vapor products, while advertising and the promotion of such products are strictly regulated by the national federal government. 256 total respondents opposed a ban. Some of the concerns raised were that vapes would not be available as an alternative to cigarettes or a tool to quit smoking and whether new regulations would not prevent youth vaping. The report also notes that a significant number of those respondents held that “vaping is…not harmful” or is a “healthy alternative to smoking. Additionally, the written submissions were more inclined to support a partial ban, with 36 to 56 respondents support the continued sale of tobacco-flavored vapes “to assist in smoking cessation.”

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