Lawmakers approved medical marijuana legislation in committee, advancing the proposal to the House floor.
TOPEKA — The Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee adopted a series of legislative amendments before advancing the legislation in a vote, 12 to 8 votes in favor.
This is the second time the panel has approved the reform proposal for this session. However, in March, the House of Representatives as the Committee of the Whole sent the bill back for further consideration and amendments.
According to local media reports, marijuana legalization advocates say that the advancement of House Substitute for Senate Bill 158 would has a greater chance of passing the House floor after discussion.
“If we should at some point in time run this on the floor, there will be a number of amendments,” said Rep. John Barker, a Republican, during a virtual opening of the committee meeting. “Some will get attached, some will not.”
Marijuana Moment reports that members “filed a wide-ranging amendment that was accepted in a voice vote.
Moment further reports: “It would allow counties to opt-out of allowing cannabis dispensaries in their jurisdiction, protect the gun rights of patients, clarify restrictions on advertising, and remove housing and employment protections for patients, and require a minimum six-month leadership measure between a patient and physician, with some exceptions, before medical marijuana can be recommended.”
It is also reported that the Kansas Department of Revenue Alcoholic Beverage Control also implemented an amendment that would offer definitions for cannabinoids and other medical marijuana products and other terms.
The amendment is also a discrepancy in the timeline for residency requirements by setting a form of four years and moves the regulatory adoption deadline back to July 1, 2023 — the end of the state government’s fiscal year.
The House Health and Environment Committee also managed to secure the passage of an amendment that moves the deadline to adopt regulations and launch an educational website about medical marijuana by the date July 1, 2023, as well.