Public health advocates used lights to raise awareness against vaping. You know, because it is Utah.

PLEASANT GROVE — Public health advocates in Pleasant Grove, Utah — a very well-to-do suburb outside of the city of Provo — are using illumination on a nearby mountain to step up awareness against the youth vaping epidemic in the community and the state.

According to information reported by the report, the lighting display is a giant red question mark in the center, and “it left many residents wondering – what is it?

The chat buddle lighting is part of a campaign by the PG Cares Coalition and the See Through the Vape movement to intend to remind parents and high school students to have a conversation about a potentially addictive habit like vaping.

“We’ve seen vape rates rise exponentially,” said Tamara Oborn, the prevention program coordinator for Pleasant Grove City, in a statement to ABC 4’s local news affiliate.

“All of our statistics show that kids really have a low perception of risk with vaping.”

Oborn also said that the campaign to fight against youth vaping has strong support in Utah and among many socially conservative residents of Mormons and Christians.

She adds that parents and youth are supposedly unaware of all the risks, despite the years of persistent bad press from news outlets and public health departments across the United States and the state.

“They don’t understand what chemicals are in it, they don’t understand that it’s just as addictive as cigarettes,” Oborn added.

“And parents really are unaware of the technology of vaping and what their kids have access to. So we just wanted to create this campaign and really bring awareness hopefully have families speak about the dangers and realities of vaping in their homes.”

“It’s really hard to measure what the impact is going to be,” said Oborn. “Prevention work is really that way. But reaching anyone is the goal.”