Regulators in Oregon are recalling vaping products that contain marijuana due to out-of-state terpenes.

SALEM — The Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC) announced that they have recalled several marijuana vaping products that contain out-of-state terpenes and additives imported illegally from California, reports Marijuana Business Daily.

“An investigation and interviews with the licensees have revealed that the affected products contain marijuana-derived ingredients (terpenes) from out-of-state, and the Naked Extracts and Native marijuana products had not been tested for the presence of ingredients harmful to human health after these ingredients – untested according to Oregon standards – were added,” indicates a statement from the commission. “These vaping products were then distributed into the Oregon consumer cannabis market.”

The state’s commission announced that the licensed recreational marijuana market in Oregon issued a health and safety recall for the products under the brands of Naked Extracts and Native. OLCC’s news release found that Naked Extracts had been used marijuana-derived terpenes and distributed by True Blue, which is the company in California mentioned. The use of marijuana-derived ingredients including terpenes sourced from non-OLCC businesses is prohibited under Oregon law and OLCC rules.

“Naked Extracts is currently weighing its response to OLCC’s unprecedented actions that appear to be designed not to protect consumers or the industry, but to punish Naked Extracts for standing up for its rights and questioning OLCC’s heavy-handed tactics,” said Connie Harrell, the chief executive officer and the president of the company Naked Extracts, in a statement to Marijuana Business Daily’s reporting on the matter.

According to the same report, the company did not pull the products during the two-week period so the OLCC issued and mandatory recall that was established under state law.

“There have been no reports of illness. The possible health impact of consuming marijuana products with unapproved pesticide and/or residual solvent residues is unknown,” the state indicates. “Short and long-term health impacts may exist depending on the specific product, duration, frequency, level of exposure, and route of exposure.”

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