“Through the provision of credible knowledge and guidance, the IBVTA supports the independent vape trade and promotes constructive interaction between this industry sector and the scientific community, vapers, policy makers, and the general public. The IBVTA offers many forms of guidance and support, including regulatory compliance advice. Non-compliance must not be allowed to become a competitive advantage over reputable businesses,” read the opening statement of a release about the guidance.
The IBVTA said that being aware of the constraints that limit interested parties in accessing information resources, they released the “first comprehensive, stand-alone Assured Age of Sale Guidance” with the aim of achieving “better compliance across the sector.” Given that the association is part of a Primary Authority partnership with Kent Trading Standards, the Guidance has been developed and peer reviewed by the Primary Authority.
“The Age of Sale Guidance includes advice on compliance with all aspects of regulation such as verifying the ages of customers, preventing proxy and underage online sales, record keeping and staff training,” explained the IBVTA. To this effect, the information in the guidance should be useful to vape shops, convenience stores, and any other retail outlets which sell vaping products.
The guidance can help different players in the industry
IBVTA CEO Gillian Golden said that besides retailers, the guidance could also be utilized by trading officers. ‘’We hope this comprehensive guidance will be useful not only for vaping retailers, but also trading standards enforcement officers across the country, in understanding the due diligence required.’’
Wendy May, the IBVTA’s Primary Authority Trading Standards Officer concurs. ‘It has been a rewarding experience working in partnership with the IBVTA to produce this Age of Sale Guidance, ensuring accurate information is available for their members and all retailers of vaping products.”