Farsalinos highlighted that the criticism presented by these journalists was not based on an assessment of the mentioned studies, but on allegations about conflicts.
In the paper titled, “Journalists criticize research on COVID-19 by confusing it with tobacco harm reduction and by making false allegations about conflicts,” renowned cardiologist and smoking cessation researcher Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos discussed a recent article which criticizes research about COVID-19 and the cholinergic system after confusing it with THR.

In his paper, Farsalinos highlighted that the criticism presented by these journalists was not based on an assessment of the mentioned studies, but on allegations about conflicts. He added that the claims they made are false, and provided documents indicating that the journalists in question have conflicts of interest relevant to their article content which they failed to disclose.

TAV live panel discussion on media inaccuracies

Similarly, a recent live panel discussion of vaping advocates and experts discussed a number of inaccuracies that have been recently mentioned in the media. Hosted by Asia Pacific’s coalition of consumer Tobacco Harm Reduction organisation – The Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA), the Advocates Voice (TAV) panel discussion included a segment on the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) latest Tobacco Product Regulation (TobReg) Report and its counterproductive stance on tobacco harm reduction products.

The episode was simulcast on CAPHRA’s Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/caphraorg, where viewers were encouraged to ask questions.

WHO’s negative and obstructive approach towards safer nicotine vaping products continues to impact smoking cessation rates, costing lives globally. WHO continues to treat smoking and nicotine vaping as the same and ignores all the science,” said Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA, Nancy Loucas, ahead of the broadcast.

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