What is a coil ?

The term coil is the English word for a resistance coil.
So whether you use an atomizer, a clearomizer, a dripper or a pod, your e-cigarette has a coil inside it. It’s actually the resistance coil heating up that transforms e-liquid into the vapour you inhale.

How does a resistance coil work?

Handmade and industrial coils

There are different types of coils, made by manufacturers or by vapers themselves. 

Industrial coils all look more or less the same: a small, metal, cylindrical object.

Examples of factory-made resistance coilsExamples of factory-made resistance coils

Even though they look quite similar in shape, make sure you choose one that works with your own kit. Even if they look alike, they are not necessarily the same!

Vapers who have opted for a rebuildable make their own resistance coils,

and the results are very different from the ones manufactured by the vaping industry.

Example of a hand-made resistance coil

Example of a hand-made resistance coil

What’s the point of making your own coils?

The main benefit of making your own “home-made” coils is the price: it’s a lot less.

While the unit price of a factory-made coil can be nearly three Euros, it actually only costs a few cents to make your own.

Warning: you must never use a home-made coil in a clearomizer. These coils are only suitable for use in drippers and atomizers.

There is another plus. You can customize your home-made coils in any number of ways. Since vapers can choose the type of wire they use, and the length and diameter of the coil they make, they have complete control over their made-to-measure resistance coils and can adapt them perfectly to suit the way they vape.

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