The study titled, “A randomized controlled study in healthy participants to explore the exposure continuum when smokers switch to a tobacco heating product or an E-cigarette relative to cessation,” aimed to understand the risks associated with vaping and using HTPs, in comparison to smoking cessation coupled with non use of any such product.

The researchers followed a total of 148 healthy smokers, who were randomized to either continue smoking cigarettes, switch to using BAT’s Glo HTP or a prototype EC, or completely quit any nicotine or tobacco product use for 5 days, after a 2-day baseline period. The researchers proceeded to collect breath and 24-h urine samples in order to conduct a Biomarker of Exposure (BoE) analysis.

The compiled data indicated that after the 5-day switching period, BoE levels showed a substantial significant decrease in levels from baseline in the groups using either Glo or the prototype EC. In line with previous findings, the researchers found that on an exposure continuum, smokers who completely quit nicotine had the lowest levels of assessed BoEs, followed by those who switched to the EC and then those who switched to Glo.

BAT’s Velo vs Swedish snus

Another recent BAT study compared the tobacco company’s Velo nicotine pouches with a cigarette and a Swedish-style snus pouch. The nicotine pouches were found to be less biologically active than cigarette smoke and snus, even at greater concentrations of nicotine and across a range of tests. In fact, during many attempts Velo failed to elicit a biological response at all, which led the researchers to conclude that they are safer than traditional cigarettes and Swedish-style snus.

Nicotine pouches are tea bag-like pouches which are placed under the upper lip for about 15 to 30 minutes depending on one’s preferred nicotine dose. While similar to snus, they have the added benefit of being tobacco-free, odour-free, and unlike snuff they do not require spitting. Sadly, nicotine pouches have been banned in some countries including New Zealand.

Read Further: NCBI

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