Organized via a collaboration between local law enforcement with utilities, water quality and public health entities, along with community organizations and local schools, the event will host a number of drop-off locations throughout the county from between 10.00 and 14.00.

The event facilitators will accept returned prescription and over-the-counter drugs, controlled substances, veterinary medications and vaping devices. Besides safeguarding the environment, the aim of these events is also ensuring these products are not accessible to children.

Californian law prevents tobacco sales to anyone under 21

In 2016 California passed a regulation raising the tobacco sales age limit from 18 to 21. Conducted by the Prevention Research Center of the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation, the study titled, “New research investigates the effects of California’s tobacco 21 minimum sales age law,” looked into the effects of this measure.

The compiled data indicated that the T21 law had positive public health effects on 7th, 9th, and 11th grade students from across California. The findings were summarized on News-Medical as follows:

  • “Reduced prevalence of lifetime smokeless tobacco and e-cigarette use, and past month smokeless tobacco use in the overall student population.
  • Increases in prevalence of past month e-cigarette use.
  • Reductions in lifetime and past-30-day use of all tobacco and nicotine products among Latinx youth.
  • Differential, but positive public health effects for other racial and ethnic groups.”

Read Further: Sierra Sun

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