Titled, “Does Vaping Increase the Odds of Asthma?: A Canadian Community Health Survey Study,” the current study analyzed data from 17,190 people ages 12 and above, in the 2015-2016 and 2017-2018 cycles of the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS). The study looked at who participated in the CCHS survey.
The compiled data indicated that 3.1% of the selected survey participants reported using an e-cigarette in the past 30 days. The authors found that of these, 19% had a higher chance of developing asthma, as opposed to 20% in current smokers. Former smokers had 33% higher odds, and never smokers and never vapers didn’t have any significant associations with asthma.
“Current EC use is associated with significantly increased odds of having asthma, that is comparable to current smokers. These findings suggest that EC use is a modifiable risk factor for asthma to be considered in the primary care of youth and young adults,” concluded the study Abstract.
Other studies reported the contrary
On the other hand, an older study carried out by Dr. Riccardo Polosa, MD, PhD, an internationally recognized leader in the field of clinical bronchoprovocation (airway-challenge studies), found significant improvements in asthma sufferers who switched from smoking to vaping. “In asthmatic patients, we observed significant and stable improvements in respiratory symptoms, disease exacerbation rates and lung function already after 6 months of regular e-cigarette use, and persisting for up to 2 years“, said Polosa.