If passed, the amendment would update the city’s rules for tobacco use, which were written well before vaping products came on the scene.
Health Department spokesman Porfirio Villarreal said that if the proposal is passed, it would update the city’s rules for tobacco use, which were written well before vaping products came on the scene. As is, the current ban forbids people from smoking in enclosed public places and seating areas, and within 25 feet of any building.

If passed the ban would affect all forms of vaping, including electronic cigars, pipes and hookahs, however it would exclude hookah bars or other private areas where smoking is permitted, explained Villarreal.

“If it’s all really about health, just let people keep doing the healthier option,” he said comparing vaping and smoking. “I rock the kiwi-dragonberry-Sunkist,” describing the flavor of his vape pens as a “citrusy-Sweettart combo.”

Tobacco used banned across New York State’s fairgrounds

Similarly, as of Summer 2022, outdoor smoking and vaping will be forbidden across New York State’s fairgrounds. The measure comes at the heels of recreational marijuana legalization. Fair Director Troy Waffner said that following every fair, they receive complaints about the smell of tobacco smoke. However, he added, following the legalisation of marijuana this past year, the issue became more severe.

“That generated a lot of concerns at an otherwise family event,” said Waffner. “From families from couples, from just individuals, you would walk around the fairgrounds and you could smell the sweet smell of cannabis.”

To this effect, the new policy aims to curb every form of exhaled smoke and vapour, whether its pure tobacco or mixed with marijuana, and limit use to some designated smoking areas. “If you’re smoking tobacco, vaping, or smoking cannabis, you no longer can do it on the fairgrounds proper,” he said. “We will have designated areas set up on various points of the fairgrounds. You can go there and smoke, but you cannot smoke on the fairgrounds proper.”

Read Further: Houston Chronicle

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