Titled, “The role of nicotine and flavor in the abuse potential and appeal of electronic cigarettes for adult current and former cigarette and electronic cigarette users: A systematic review,” the study screened a total of 1624 studies.

The research team concluded that while high nicotine strengths and flavours may lead to abuse, they are also effective at luring adults away from cigarettes and towards safer nicotine alternatives.

Meanwhile, a previous study aimed to look into the relative impact of several product characteristics so as to examine differences by smoking status and primarily used e-cigarette device and flavour.

Participants preferred non-tobacco flavours and open-system devices

The study titled, “Impact of flavours, device, nicotine levels and price on adult e-cigarette users’ tobacco and nicotine product choices,” found that on average, participants preferred non-tobacco and non-menthol flavours, the majority preferred open-system over closed-system devices, and a regular nicotine level, over a lower nicotine level.

However, added the researchers, these preferences varied by smoking status, demographics, and what type of vape flavour the users primarily used. The also reported that the preference for different product characteristics was larger than the difference among flavours or nicotine levels.

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