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Experts have asked the 182 member-states to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control under the World Health Organization to reconsider its position on tobacco harm reduction strategies that include risk-reduced products like snus, tobacco-free nicotine pouches, and vapes.
A trained clinical psychologist, Dr. Foulds has spent most of his career investigating smoking cessation methods with the aim of finding the most effective. He has been a principal investigator on countless studies with grants totaling well over $27 million and has been invited to speak about smoking cessation in over fifteen countries.

In October 2021, he was amongst the 100 experts who wrote to the World Health Organisation (WHO) urging it to change its position on vaping. Coming from the fields of nicotine science, policy, public health, and medical practice, the experts asked the 182 member-states to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control under the World Health Organization to reconsider its position on tobacco harm reduction strategies that include risk-reduced products like snus, tobacco-free nicotine pouches, and vapes.

Meanwhile on the recent RegWatch episode, Foulds said that despite the continued war on vaping, false claims about the products are becoming tired and worn thanks to a growing body of research investigating e-cigarette use and smoking cessation.

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