“We [cast] a wide net across the tobacco and social media literature and synthesized everything into a single association summarizing the relationship between social media exposure and tobacco use,” said study author Scott Donaldson, a senior research associate at the University of Southern California’s Keck School of Medicine. “What we found is that these associations are robust and have public health implications at the population level.”
The role of influencers
Similarly, a UK survey of under-18s has found a significant rise in the use of certain vapes which are popular on social media, leading to the suspicion that watching glamorous influencers promoting the products on TikTok and Instagram, is drawing many youth to try the products.
The Impression of vaping as a glamorous activity to engage in on platforms like TikTok, just like smoking in old movies, is drawing adolescents into habit, fear a number of health and tobacco harm reduction groups.Conducted by the charity Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) the study found that the proportion of children aged 11 to 17 who vape has increased from 4 to 7% this year.
“Online platforms don’t need to wait, they must act now. The flood of glamourous promotion of vaping on social media, in particular TikTok, is completely inappropriate and they should turn off the tap,” said ASH chief executive Deborah Arnott.