Most people think that the objection they have regarding vaping is their own: that they do not like the ‘fumes’ because this is something that they genuinely dislike – well it is. However, this objection is not their own, not really. It has been planted in them. Decades of publicity about harm from smoking, you know: the dirty, filthy addiction that rots teeth and lungs; clogs arteries; causes heart attack and stroke; turns the foetus into an addict, and makes you blind… Smoking is so stupid is it not?
Year after year of warnings, graphic images, television adverts, newspaper articles and advice from doctors and scientists.
Then, we were told things like, second hand smoke might even be worse for you than smoking itself (which does not make a great deal of sense in that smokers are subject to second hand smoke as well as non-smokers). Oh dear! Second hand smoke: And it was planted in us. Decades of publicity about harm from second hand smoke, you know: the dirty, filthy addiction that rots teeth and lungs; clogs arteries; causes heart attack and stroke; turns the foetus into an addict, and makes you blind… And it is killing non-smokers as well. Smoking is so stupid is it not? Smokers are so stupid are they not? Smoking is harming non-smokers. Smokers are so selfish – so evil.
Year after year of warnings, graphic images, television adverts, newspaper articles and advice from doctors and scientists.
And they taught their children; Schools taught their children; And children taught their children, and that child was you.
You are blind and deaf to the idea that vaping is not the same as smoking.
And you thought the idea was yours? Yes, well, you accepted it, but did you realise that you were accepting an attitude along with the idea?
Not a bad thing some may think.
But it was… It turned you blind, and worse than that, it made you deaf as well!
You are blind and deaf to the idea that vaping is not the same as smoking. You are blind and deaf to the science that has been produced which favours vaping over smoking. You are blind and deaf to anything that says that you will not be harmed by second hand vapour or that your children will not be seduced into smoking via vaping.
The seed that was planted so many years ago has grown and the roots have gripped your very soul, and turned you into someone who has no thought for, no compassion for, and nothing but hatred for people who have succeeded in stopping smoking and replacing it with something else.