Given the fact that the link to illegal THC was confirmed by the CDC and FDA, it is unacceptable that certain health departments are not warning accordingly.

“No single product or chemical substance has been definitively linked to all lung injury cases,” said Hutton, “Given the uncertainty of the cause of this outbreak and the severe consequences of the illness, the [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] has recommended that the public cease use of all c-cigarette and vaping products,” he added.

Meanwhile in response to studies linking the disease to the consumption of illicit THC oil, both the FDA and the CDC have confirmed the association to THC products purchased illegally.

To this effect, renowned tobacco control expert Dr. Michael Siegel, has pointed out that despite this knowledge, a large number of State Health Departments are not explicitly warning against vaping THC products.

The analysis conducted by the public health expert revealed that about 44% of State health entities are not warning against THC use, and that three States are even committing public health malpractice by sharing the wrong information. He pointed out that given the fact that the link to illegal THC was confirmed by the CDC and FDA, it is unacceptable that certain health departments are not warning accordingly.

“Given that fact, it is imperative that state health departments issue an explicit warning to the public, and especially to youth, not to vape THC (at least black market THC products). Finally, this message should not be undermined by other statements in the warning.”

Read Further: New York Post

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