Home Politics Europe Vaping in public places: Public Health England’s guidance

Vaping in public places: Public Health England’s guidance

The British Government issued Public Health England's guidance for the employers and organizations to create their own policies on the use of e-cigarettes.


A 15 page document entitled “Use of e-cigarettes in public places and workplaces” has been issued by the PHE on Wednesday July 6, to help companies regulate vaping in their permises.

The agency aims at supporting smokers willing to quit smoking by offering them the option to vape at work while clearly separating smoking from vaping policies. The message is that a one-size-fits-all approach leads to failure given the diversity of working environments.

In a press release, Kevin Fenton, National Director of health and wellbeing at PHE insists on the health benefits of vaping compared to smoking and he encourages companies to “take account of the evidence and clearly distinguish vaping from smoking”.

A five point framework is given to help guide the creation of a vaping policy that fits to each situation:

  1. Make clear the distinction between vaping and smoking.
  2. Ensure policies are informed by the evidence on health risks to bystanders.
  3. Identify and manage risks of uptake by children and young people.
  4. Support smokers to stop smoking and stay smokefree.
  5. Support compliance with smoke-free law and policies.


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