Sweden has fought to be autonomous with regards to any decision based on snus regulations, and is pro tobacco harm reduction.
Snus is a moist powder tobacco product that is placed under the upper lip for extended periods. It is mostly popular in Sweden, Denmark and Norway, however it is only legal in Sweden where it is considered an effective tobacco harm reduction product. In fact, snus has not only led to Sweden boasting the lowest smoking rates in Europe, but more importantly, also to reporting the lowest rates of lung cancer across the continent.

A recent tax proposal would raise the EU’s minimum excise tax on cigarettes from €1.80 to €3.60 per pack of 20. Sadly, the tax is also being proposed for safer alternatives such as vapes, and leaked documents indicate that the plan is to force Sweden to set in place the tax on snus at an unreasonable level.

In a press release last week, founder of the EUforsnus movement (@EU4snus on Twitter) Bengt Wiberg explained that the group will now start using hashtags #VetoEUsnusmurder, #EUsnusmurder& #StopEUsnusmurder, and is getting in touch with harm reduction entities to draw attention to the matter.

The Swedish government will fight the proposed tax on snus

He explained that the Swedish government who has previously fought hard for Sweden to be autonomous with regards to any decision based on snus regulations, and is pro tobacco harm reduction, can and is likely to veto this proposal. And this seems to be the case.

In a recent interview, Sweden’s Minister of Finance, Elisabeth Svantesson, told Wiberg that she fully supports the use of snus since it is a matter of public health. She said that the tax increase is not acceptable and that it will be fought by the Swedish government.

The Netherlands Urged to Copy Sweden’s Tobacco Harm Reduction Model

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