Home Authors Posts by Ahmad AL-FARAJI


مؤسس النسخة العربية من موقع Vaping Post , كنت من المعجبين بقيمة المعلومات التي ينشرها هذا الموقع بنسختيه الإنجليزية والفرنسية. في بداية 2020 خطرت لي فكرة حول حاجة مستخدم الفيب العربي لمعلومات بهذه الجودة ولكن باللغة العربية. بصفتي مدخنًا سابقًا تمكن من ترك التدخين بفضل الفيب ، شعرت على الفور بالحاجة إلى نقل هذه المفاهيم للحد من مخاطر التدخين.

Comparison: alternatives to the Vype ePod

The Vype ePod is one of many closed e-cigarette models. They are all similar, but display noteworthy differences, and most importantly varying levels of...

Review: ePod – Vype

vype epod
A new pod that fails to impress The ePod is a new pod made by Vype, the e-cigarette subsidiary of British American Tobacco (BAT). It is...

5 Doubts You Should Clarify About Delta 8 E-liquid

Delta-8 THC oil
If you frequently visit websites dealing with the vaping and hemp industries, looking for relevant information on the best products on the market at...

Eliminate Your Fears and Doubts About Delta-8 Vape Juices

Close up of woman with manicured hand holding the clear vape pen
Vaping enthusiasts worldwide are raving about the new Delta-8 vape juice that recently made the list of some of the most popular vaping products. If...

E-cigarettes and religion

E-cigarettes and religion At the Vaping Post, we like a challenge. And if there is one challenge that has proved hard to unravel, it is...

Vaping Post meets the President of the Independent European Vape Alliance

Could you introduce the European vaping association (IEVA) to our readers? > The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) was founded in 2019. Our aim is...

Vaping In Australia Continues As Government Scraps Proposed Ban On Nicotine...

Australia's vaping community has had a wild year as Health Minister Greg Hunt proposed a ban on nicotine vaping imports back in June, which...

Review: Aston RDTA – Aston Vape

The Aston RDTA from the Aston Vape brand manufactured by the French firm Alliancetech Vapor is a beautifully executed atomizer. It produces vapour of...