Diane Caruana
WHO advises UK to ban vaping in public spaces
After Public Health England had released a scientific report which found vaping to be at least 95% safer than smoking, the United Kingdom has been...
The Times apologizes for deceptive anti-vaping article
In the infamous article, part of which was titled, Experts making a packet, misinformed author Katie Gibbons, mentioned by name a handful of respected...
Malta : Vaping banned in cars with minors
This new regulation which enjoys the support of the Tobacco Industry Advisory Council (TIAC) and was announced in the latest budget which took place...
London : E-cigarette Summit 2016
A priceless opportunity, interested professionals or individuals will be able to take part and witness debates from opposing perspectives, whilst receiving first hand information about...
Which US Presidential Candidate will vapers be voting for?
Grover Norquist ,the founder of Americans For Tax Reform, an influential figure who has spent most of his professional life fighting against tax increases,...
Regular e-cig use amongst youths in UK remains low
The UK based Health charity ASH, (Action on Smoking and Health), has conducted a youth survey this year, and collected data from young people...
Manhattan KS : A proposal to ban vaping in public and...
Earlier this year, the Riley County Health Advisory Council put forward a recommendation to impose a regulation that would ban the use of vaping...
BAT acquires Polish e-cig business, whilst partnering with RAI
Only five years ago, Milosz Dziurlaj’s small vaping business, Chic, consisted of only nine people selling imported products to Poland’s then small vaping population....