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Nathalie Dunand

Nathalie Dunand
French journalist. Mainly focused on regulatory and political news.

ECIV: Interview with co-founders Richard Hyslop and Remi Parola

During the Global Forum on Nicotine, we met Rémi Parola and Richard Hyslop, to figures of the new ECIV coalition, whose creation has been...

Greece: Taxation of vaping products and so on

The May 2015 Eurobarometer  indicates that smoking prevalence is the highest in Greece with 38% of smokers. The same survey also showed that 56%...

Italy: Creation of the parliamentary intergroup “electronic cigarette”

In the UK, MPs are active within their own political parties and constituencies but they may also take part in informal work, such as working with...

The Global Forum on Nicotine in Warsaw is to Vaping what...

By browsing the conference program of these 17 and 18 June 2016, one must confess that Remi Parola is right, the "GFN in Warsaw...

An update with Olivier Théraulaz on the situation of nicotine products...

Olivier Théraulaz, President of the Swiss association Helvetic Vape, is coming back on the recent decision of the Swiss Council of States to recommit...

The Vaping Equation

During the Global Forum on Nicotine 2016, in Warsaw, we met Sébastien Soulet from the Laboratoire Français du E-Liquide (LFEL), in Pessac, France. Sébastien was...

Warsaw: Third e-cigarette users associations meeting

This year, the debate was focussed on the opportunity to create an international organization for users to defend vapers' interests, principally before international organizations...

France: Internet poll results on vaping patterns and motivations

The results obtained by this poll are significantly different from scientific surveys like the French Health Barometer INPES or the CONSTANCES cohort survey. These discrepancies...