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Tag: Alt New Zealand

New Zealand: Renowned Vape Brand Opens Store In Prominent Area 

VAPO’s 16th specialist store has recently opened in Aukland’s renowned Ponsonby Road, following two other store openings in Queenstown and Pukekohe last month, and...

NZ: Vape ‘Starter Kit’ Sales Up by 30% Due to Covid-19...

While the business has taken a significant hit with its 11 Vapo stores closed nationwide, sales of Alt and Vapo Haiz starter kits, including...

NZ Vapers Can Now Have E-Cig Waste Collected From Home

The first phase of the innovative program launched by Vapo, Alt New Zealand and TerraCycle, enabled vapers across New Zealand to drop off their...

New Zealand Launches a World-First Vapes’ Recycling Programme 

Researchers have estimated that by 2021, there will be 55 million adult vapers, and therefore if disposed of improperly, the large amount of devices...

New Zealand: Vaping Products Now Sold in Pharmacies

Local e-cig company Vapix, which is a sub-brand of Kiwi vaping company Alt New Zealand, is now being sold in Unichem and Life Pharmacy...
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