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Tag: America

Duterte’s Vaping Ban Propagates the Drug War in the Philippines

Reader's discretion is advised.  The discussion over tobacco harm reduction in the United States is an emotional demonstration of dogmatic assumptions. It is true that...

Executive Order on Teen Vaping Signed by Colorado Governor

“The percentage of kids vaping is not a list we want to be at the top of, but we are,” says Governor Hickenlooper while...

Dripping: What, Who, Why?

"This study provide important initial evidence that high school students are using e-cigarettes for dripping behaviors" Published this week in the journal Pediatrics by Prof Suchitra Krishnan-Sarin...

PATH Study: Wave 1 data on tobacco and Ecig use in...

In the United States, 12 years of age or older have been surveyed in this time frame and several questions have been addressed to establish a...

Senator Ron Johnson Challenging FDA Vaping Regulations (part two)

New to this story? Read first part before. Initially, what Happened when Sen. Johnson sent the 1st letter to the FDA? More importantly, Senator Ron Johnson of...

Senator Ron Johnson Challenging FDA Vaping Regulations (part one)

To understand this story in it's entirety, it is essential for us to first dive deeper into discovering who exactly Ron Johnson is as...
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