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Tag: e-cigarette

Belgium: A three fold increase in e-cigarette use over 2...

The Belgian Foundation against Cancer has published its barometer of tobacco use, which shows that fewer Belgians are regular smokers, 1 of 5 in 2015 rather than...

UK: E-cigarettes can be prescribed by physicians

Before e-Voke, the Voke nicotine inhaler had received medical clearance Last November, Voke, British American Tobacco's electronic cigarettes had been granted  a license from the British...

Petition to the German Parliament

Vapers.org.uk is a British website intended for vapers and maintained on a daily bases by vapers. It aims at gathering information with regard to vaping...

New Zealand: Counter-intuitive effects of law strictness

Not all ethnic groups are equal in front tobacco and nicotine addiction. Māoris who have higher rates of nicotine addiction and the most limited access...

USA: Hawai’i raises legal age to 21 for tobacco use

We were writing about it in some of our last posts of the year as a nation First in the US: Hawai'i State's Governor David...

NeBox by KangerTech

Kanger NeBox or the promising tool for all-in-one vaping In first, one has to re-center the debate and render unto Caesar what is Caesar's since in...

Dr Konstantinos Farsalinos is revisiting myths around e-cigarette

After a first round on Diacetyl and on the war that is engaged to bring discredit to what is considered by some researchers as...

US Study: E-cigarette reduces cell viability

A study carried out by an American research team from the University of California, La Jolla, investigated the harmfulness of e-cigarette on cultured human cells...
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